Smart Therapy for Today's Problems

Smart Therapy for Today's Problems

Hello, and
Welcome to The Hive!

Have you been considering counseling to help you through the struggles of today’s world?  The Hive is a collective of individuals who are committed to providing you with quality, affordable in-person and online counseling. We strive to maintain a group of unique, diverse individuals with different therapeutic approaches and personalities.


How can We Help You?

Our counselors are here to help you navigate through life by providing you with tools for success.  Read more about how we can help you with our counseling services.

Counseling for attorneys; counseling for lawyers; therapy for lawyers; therapy for attorneys

Counseling For Attorneys

The life of an attorney can be grueling.  The toll the legal profession can take on our lives is significant.  You need someone who understands exactly what you are experiencing.

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Counseling For Teens

Being a teenager is tough.  You may feel like nobody understands you.  Or maybe you feel misunderstood, frustrated or have low self esteem.  You aren’t alone.  Our counselors can help.

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Counseling for Adults with ADHD

Life with adult ADHD can feel like a constant juggling act—overwhelmed, unfocused, and often misunderstood. You’re not alone in this struggle. Reach out to our expert counselors who understand the unique journey of adult ADHD.