Individuals – $165 per session
Couples – $200 per session

Individuals – $125 per session
Couples – $150 per session

$50 per session
Session Rates are subject to change. Current clients will be notified directly of any changes in session rates. Please contact your therapist/coach directly to confirm the session rates you will be charged.
We understand that there are unforeseeable circumstances like sick children or bad weather. However, your appointment is important, and your therapist is happy to contact you for a phone session or, alternatively, a session via our HIPAA–compliant telemedicine system so that you don’t need to leave your sick child or worry about traffic and weather. In the event you still must change or cancel your counseling appointment, please know:
• We cannot accommodate cancellations made via email as we do not monitor email on a regular basis.
• Cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice will result in a fee equal to the total amount of the missed session that will be collected at your next appointment. If payment information is on file, it will be debited from your credit card at the time of your appointment.
• After two no–shows/late cancellations, you will pre–pay a retainer before scheduling any future appointments.